What Techniques Could The Scrum Master Use This Year?

Scrum is an Agile framework for managing projects and teams. The scrum master is a key part of this framework. He or she is in charge of coordinating the scrum process and getting rid of any problems that might get in the way of the team’s work. 

In this post, we’ll talk about some things a scrum master can do to lead their team well and make sure the project goes well.

Who is a scrum master?

scrum master

A Scrum Master is a professional who is responsible for facilitating the Scrum process for a team, ensuring that the team is adhering to the Scrum framework and that the process is being used effectively. The role of the Scrum Master is to coach the team and the organization on the use of Scrum and to remove any obstacles that may impede the team’s progress.

The Scrum Master is not a traditional project manager but rather a facilitator who helps the team work together effectively. They do not make decisions for the team but rather help the team make its own decisions. The Scrum Master helps the team understand the Scrum framework and use it effectively.

Some of the key responsibilities of a Scrum Master include the following:

  • Facilitating Scrum ceremonies such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives.
  • Ensuring that the team is following the Scrum framework and that they are adhering to the Scrum values.
  • Removing obstacles that may impede the team’s progress.
  • Coaching the team on the use of Scrum and Agile methodologies.
  • Helping the team to work together effectively and make good decisions.
  • Ensuring that the team is transparent and open about their progress and any issues that may arise.

Here are the top ten techniques every scrum master should consider this year for assisting the organization in understanding and adopting Scrum.

  1. Facilitation
  2. Communication
  3. Problem-solving
  4. Coaching
  5. Adaptability
  6. Servant Leadership
  7. Conflict Resolution
  8. Transparency and Visibility
  9. Adapting Scrum Process
  10. Continuous Improvement.

Let’s discuss the techniques below;


A scrum master should be able to run the scrum process well, including the daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. They should be able to guide the team through these meetings, keeping them on track and ensuring that they are productive.


A scrum master must be able to communicate effectively with the team and stakeholders. They should be able to explain the project’s goals and objectives and keep everyone informed of progress and any changes or updates.

Solving problems: 

A scrum master should be able to spot and solve any problems that come up during the project. This could include things like disagreements within the team, technical problems, or other things that could slow the team down. The scrum master should work with the team to find solutions to these problems and remove any roadblocks that may be preventing the team from making progress.


A scrum master should act as a coach to the team, helping them to improve their skills and knowledge. This could mean giving the team members training on Agile methods or helping them learn skills that will be useful for the project.


A scrum master should be adaptable and able to adjust the scrum process as needed. This could include making changes to the sprint schedule or adjusting the project’s goals and objectives. The scrum master should be open to feedback from the team and willing to make changes that will improve the project’s chances of success.

Servant Leadership: 

A scrum master should lead by example and put the needs of the team and the project before their own. They should be willing to assist the team with whatever they need to be successful.

Conflict Resolution: 

The scrum master should be able to keep the team from fighting and make sure that everyone can work well together.

Transparency and Visibility: 

The scrum master should ensure that the team is transparent and open about their progress and any issues that may arise. They should also make sure that the project’s progress is visible to stakeholders.

Adapting Scrum Process: 

A scrum master should be able to adapt the scrum process as needed, making changes that will improve the team’s ability to deliver value to the customer.

Continuous Improvement: 

A scrum master should always be looking for ways to improve the process and make the team work better.

FAQs about Scrum Master

What techniques could the Scrum Master use when the scrum team gets caught in an internal disagreement about which agile?

The Scrum Master can help the Scrum team settle disagreements about which agile method to use in a number of ways. Some of these techniques include:

  • Facilitation: The Scrum Master can facilitate a conversation among team members to help them understand the different options and the pros and cons of each.
  • Collaboration: The Scrum Master can encourage team members to collaborate and work together to find a solution that meets everyone’s needs.
  • Empathy: The Scrum Master can help team members understand each other’s perspectives and concerns, and work to find a solution that addresses them.
  • Conflict resolution: The Scrum Master can use conflict resolution techniques to help the team find a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Experimentation: The Scrum Master can encourage the team to experiment with different agile approaches and see what works best for them.
  • Decision making: The Scrum Master can facilitate decision-making processes that involve all team members and help them to reach a consensus on the best approach.
  • Continuous improvement: The Scrum Master can remind the team that this is an opportunity to reflect and improve their process, as well as to review the definition of done and adapt it if necessary.

Ultimately, the Scrum Master’s goal is to help the team move past the disagreement and continue to make progress on their project.

What techniques can a Scrum Master use to facilitate group decision making?

A Scrum Master can use several techniques to facilitate group decision-making, including:

  • Brainstorming: Encourage the team to generate a large number of ideas, without evaluating them at first. This can help to generate a diverse set of options for the team to consider.
  • Nominal Group Technique: A structured process that allows each member to share their ideas and opinions, and then vote on the best one.
  • Multi-voting: A process where team members are given a set number of votes to distribute among the options presented, in order to identify the most popular choice.
  • Consensus: Encourage the team to work together to find a solution that everyone can agree on. This approach can help to build buy-in and commitment to the decision among team members.
  • Devil’s Advocate: Encourage one or more team members to play the role of devil’s advocate, and challenge the team to consider alternative perspectives and potential downsides of different options.
  • Criteria-based decision-making: Encourage the team to establish criteria for evaluating different options, and then use these criteria to evaluate and select the best option.
  • Roleplaying: Encourage the team to role-play different scenarios and see how they would handle them, this can help them to anticipate potential problems and find the best solution
  • KJ-Method: A technique that allows the team to identify the key issues and then to find the best solutions, it is good for complex problem-solving.

These techniques can help the Scrum Master ensure that all team members have an opportunity to participate in the decision-making process and that the team is able to make well-informed, high-quality decisions that align with the team’s goals and objectives.

What are the 3 main responsibilities of a Scrum Master?

  1. Facilitating the scrum process means leading scrum ceremonies like sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. The Scrum Master also helps the team to adhere to the scrum framework and removes any obstacles that may impede the team’s progress.
  2. Coaching the team: The Scrum Master is responsible for coaching the team on the scrum process and the agile mindset. They help the team to improve their workflow and work on increasing the team’s efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. Protecting the team: The Scrum Master stands between the team and any outside forces that might get in the way of the team’s work. This includes keeping the team from being interrupted or distracted by anything else that could slow them down.

What is the first thing a Scrum Master should do?

The first thing a Scrum Master should do is understand the context in which they are working. This means knowing what the project’s goals and objectives are, who is involved, and how the team is doing right now.

After understanding the context, the Scrum Master should work on building a strong relationship with the team, the product owner, and other stakeholders. This includes getting to know the team members, understanding their strengths and areas for improvement, and creating a safe and trusting environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

After laying the groundwork, the Scrum Master should concentrate on facilitating the scrum process. This includes leading the scrum ceremonies, such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives, and helping the team adhere to the scrum framework.

The Scrum Master should also help the team improve its workflow and work on increasing the team’s efficiency and effectiveness. This means teaching the team how to use the scrum process and think in an agile way, as well as getting rid of any problems that might get in the way of the team’s progress.

It’s also important for the Scrum Master to ensure the team is aware of the definition of done and that they are continuously working towards it.

How do you introduce yourself in Scrum Master?

When introducing yourself as a Scrum Master, it’s important to convey your understanding of the scrum framework and your role within it. It’s also important to establish your commitment to the team and the project and to build trust with team members and stakeholders. Here are a few key points you might include when introducing yourself as a Scrum Master:

  • Explain your role: Clearly explain what a Scrum Master is, and how you will be supporting the team in their work.
  • Share your experience: If you have previous experience as a Scrum Master or in other roles related to Agile methodologies, it’s a good idea to share that experience with the team.
  • Emphasize your commitment: Express your commitment to the success of the project and the team, and your willingness to work together to achieve the project’s goals.
  • Communicate your availability: Make sure the team knows that you are available to help them with any issues or questions they may have.
  • Show your enthusiasm: Share your excitement about the project and the team’s potential for success, this will help to create a positive and motivated atmosphere.
  • Encourage collaboration: Stress the importance of teamwork and collaboration, and invite the team members to share their thoughts and ideas.
  • Show your willingness to learn: Let the team know that you are open to feedback and eager to learn from them.

What are the weaknesses of a Scrum Master?

A Scrum Master, like any other professional, may have some weaknesses. Here are a few potential weaknesses that a Scrum Master may have:

  1. Lack of technical expertise: A Scrum Master may not have a deep understanding of the technology or domain that the team is working on. This can make it difficult for them to provide guidance and coaching on technical issues.
  2. Lack of experience: If a Scrum Master is new to the role, they may not have the experience and knowledge needed to effectively lead the team and facilitate the scrum process.
  3. Lack of assertiveness: A Scrum Master may struggle to assert themselves when necessary, for example, when dealing with difficult stakeholders or team members.
  4. Lack of leadership skills: A Scrum Master may not have the leadership skills required to effectively guide and motivate the team.
  5. Lack of flexibility: A Scrum Master may be unwilling to adapt to changing circumstances or to try new approaches.
  6. Lack of facilitation skills: A Scrum Master may not have the skills to effectively facilitate the scrum ceremonies or to drive effective team discussions.
  7. Lack of conflict resolution skills: A Scrum Master may struggle to effectively resolve conflicts within the team.
  8. Lack of understanding of agile principles: A Scrum Master may not have a thorough understanding of the agile principles, which can make it difficult for them to coach the team and ensure they are adhering to the scrum framework.

What are the two effective ways for a scrum team to ensure security concerns?

There are several ways for a scrum team to ensure security concerns, but here are two effective ways:

  1. Incorporate security considerations into the product backlog: This involves identifying and prioritizing security-related requirements and user stories and incorporating them into the product backlog. By doing this, the team is able to address security concerns early in the development process, rather than as an afterthought. Additionally, the team can work on security requirements as part of their sprints and ensure that security is considered throughout the development process.
  2. Perform regular security testing: Regularly performing security testing, such as penetration testing and vulnerability scanning, can help the team to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. This can be done by incorporating security testing as part of the Definition of Done or as part of the sprint review, or by scheduling regular testing throughout the development process.

What are the techniques used by the Agile teams for testing across the various test levels?

Agile teams use a variety of testing techniques to ensure that the software they develop is of high quality and meets the needs of the users. Here are a few techniques that Agile teams use for testing across the various test levels:

  1. Unit testing: During this stage, individual units of code tested, such as functions or methods, to ensure that they work as expected. Unit tests are typically automated and run frequently, such as after each code change, to catch any errors early in the development process.
  2. Integration testing: This has to do with testing how different units of code work together. Integration tests are typically automated and run after the completion of unit testing.
  3. Functional testing: This is the process of testing the software to ensure that it meets the requirements and functions as expected. Functional tests are typically automated and run after the completion of integration testing.
  4. Acceptance testing: The software is been tested at this stage to ensure that it meets the needs of the users and is ready for release. Acceptance tests are typically performed by users or customer representatives and are used to verify that the software meets the acceptance criteria.
  5. Performance testing: This is the process of testing the software to ensure that it performs well under various loads and conditions. Performance tests are typically automated and run after the completion of functional testing.
  6. Security testing: The software is tested to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure that it is secure. Security tests are typically automated and run after the completion of functional testing.
  7. Exploratory testing: This is an informal testing technique where testers explore the software, trying different inputs and scenarios to identify defects. This technique is used to supplement other types of testing, and it’s often performed by the team members.

How do you approach a new team as a Scrum Master?

When approaching a new team as a Scrum Master, it’s important to establish trust and credibility with the team members and to understand the team’s current processes, practices, and needs. Here are a few steps that can be taken:

  1. Get to know the team: Take the time to get to know the team members, their roles, and their goals. This will help you to understand how they work and how you can best support them.
  2. Understand the team’s current processes: Understand how the team currently works, what processes they use, and what challenges they face. This will help you to identify areas where you can provide guidance and support.
  3. Communicate your role and expectations: Clearly explain your role as a Scrum Master and what you expect from the team. This will help establish your authority and set expectations for how you will work together.
  4. Encourage open communication: Encourage team members to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. This will help you understand the team’s needs and help build trust and collaboration.
  5. Lead by example: Be a role model for the team by adhering to the scrum framework and promoting agile principles.
  6. Be proactive: Be proactive in identifying and addressing issues that may arise, and take the initiative to help the team to improve their workflow and processes.
  7. Continuously improve: Continuously reflect on the team’s processes and look for ways to improve them. Encourage the team to do the same and make sure that they understand the definition of done and how to improve it.
  8. Tailor your approach: Keep in mind that every team is unique and that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. As Scrum Master, you must be flexible in your approach and tailor it to the team’s specific needs and circumstances.

By following these steps, a Scrum Master can establish a strong relationship with the team, understand their needs, and provide effective guidance and support to help them deliver high-quality software.

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