How do you write a letter of recommendation for students with low grades?
We understand that it is not everyone who’s an A student. In as much as your school certificate is required and should at least contain a good grade for you to have a greater chance of gaining employment, a letter of recommendation is also required for several reasons which could be for scholarship purposes.
What if you have a low grade and you’re buried in the thoughts that your grade will affect your letter of recommendation, in other words, you’re scared you could have a bad letter of recommendation.
Regardless of what your score might be, the most important thing to note is that a letter of recommendation plays a great role in introducing you to a firm or someone else who does not know you before.
In the light of the above and in favor of those who emailed us not long after we published a post on
how to write a student letter of recommendation for a scholarship, questions we received include but are not limited to the following;
- How can I get a letter of recommendation for the average student sample
- Bad letter of recommendation medical school
- sample letter of recommendation for below-average students and many more.
A student can receive a low-grade letter of recommendation only if there’s the need to include his/her test and exam performances on the letter of recommendation.
However, in most cases, there are students with bad character which the teacher or mentor might want to indicate with anger on the letter and in turn make the letter a bad letter of recommendation for the student.
Today in this post, I will try to give you samples of letters of recommendation for a student with low grades or how to prepare a letter of recommendation for a bad student as the case might be.
If you’re still curious about the question
can a teacher write a bad letter of recommendation, it is pertinent to note that your teacher can make indications of your weak points on your letter of recommendation.
You wouldn’t probably expect an honest teacher to paint black white when it is obvious it is never white. if your teacher does, then he’s probably making a fake recommendation letter for his student.
Most times a bad letter of recommendation could be that the writer does not know much about you or does not follow the proper method for writing a standard recommendation letter.
Sample letter of recommendation for below-average student
Date goes here
Admissions Office
Name of the school
School address
Dear Admissions Committee,
It is my great pleasure to recommend Realupdatez for admission into the University of Nigeria Nsukka’s to study Computer Science. I have known MySchool Gist for 4 years and was delighted to serve as both his Mathematics teacher and Academic adviser at the College of Immaculate Conception Enugu. During that time, I monitored MySchool Gist grow into an outstanding individual but had low performances in his academic goals.
As Realupdatez’s teacher and adviser, I witnessed his extraordinary ability to quickly engage in different sports concepts and then helped the school triumph in several sport competitions.
Whenever any of his fellow students are having a difficult time or feeling down, he always has a nice smile a courageous spirit to keep everyone alive.
I hereby recommend you accept Realupdatez into your Computer Science Program. Likely, he will make improvements where he is lagging in his academics if he is given proper attention. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding his character or past academic work.
Your Signature
Mathematics Teacher
College Of Immaculate Conception, Enugu State.
The above writeup is just an example of how to write bad letters of recommendation, you can tweak it to suit the kind of student you’re giving it to, and remember that “
Realupdatez” as used on the letter of recommendation for a student with low grades is just for example purposes.
Do professors write bad letters of recommendation? Yes they do, it can be intentional or unintentional.
The above letter of recommendation can be seen from two different perspectives, either as a recommendation letter trying to indicate where a student needs help in order to improve or a bad letter of recommendation because it indicates the student’s weak points which the receiver might not condone.