How to write a thesis statement and the search for a thesis statement generator is becoming rampant. However, it is possible for even the first-timers to learn the easiest way to write a thesis and bring out an outstanding one just like a pro.
Almost everyone, even if they aren’t aware of it, looks for a one- or two-sentence summary of the argument or analysis that will follow early in an essay. A thesis statement is what we call a condensed statement.
A thesis statement is a declaration of intent that expresses the writer’s position. This statement should be both specific and arguable. The thesis statement is usually found after the first paragraphs of a document.
The rest of your essay will back up this claim. A thesis can be found in a variety of locations, including a debate speech, advertising, and even a book.
However, an essay is the most usual venue for a thesis statement. You’ll need a thesis whether you’re composing a persuasive article, an informational essay, or a compare/contrast statement.
Your argument will fall flat if you don’t have a thesis, and your information will be scattered. Because a thesis is so crucial, it’s highly advisable to review some guidelines for putting one together.
Why Do You Need a Thesis Statement in Your Essay?
- To put your thoughts to the test by condensing them into a sentence or two
- Help improve the organization and development of your argument
- To provide a “blueprint” to your argument for your viewer.
In general, if you think of your thesis statement as a response to the issue your work addresses, it will achieve these goals.
Analytical essays dissect and assess a problem.
- Thesis statement example: Religious tradition and belief have shaped the
- United States foreign policy in the twentieth century, the triumph of Western culture
- has fueled anti-Middle Eastern prejudice.
- Claims a subject and supports it.
- Example thesis statement: High school graduates should be required to participate in community service.
- before entering, take a year off to work on community service initiatives.
- college to help them mature and become more globally conscious.
- Presents information and research about a topic.
- Example thesis statement: A typical college student’s life is time spent studying, attending class, and mingling with others peers.
Below are some helpful hints to get you began.
1. Decide on a topic.
The core theme of your essay is your topic. It’s generally a few phrases or a group of words that sums up your paper’s topic. Make your topic as specific as possible in your thesis statement. Observing children’s television viewing habits is a good example to choose from.
2. A powerful thesis statement takes a position.
Remember that your thesis must demonstrate your conclusions about a topic. For instance, if you’re writing a paper for a fitness class, you might be asked to assess a popular weight-loss product.
Here are two thesis statements:
- The Banana Herb Tea Supplement has both negative and positive qualities.
This is an unconvincing thesis statement. It fails to take a stand in the first place. Second, the phrase “negative and positive elements” is a bit of a misnomer.
- Banana Herb Tea Supplement offers a risk to consumers since it encourages rapid weight loss, which results in the loss of muscle and lean body mass.
Because it takes a stand and is detailed, this is a solid thesis.
3. Give your major point of view on the subject.
What do you hope to express or demonstrate about your topic? What are you persuading the viewer about? When expressing your viewpoint, make sure to express a major concept
4. Make a specific claim about the issue by naming it.
Stand strong on something you can support up with facts and reasoning.
Declare your stance on the matter or your view on it. For instance, parents should limit their children’s television viewing.
5. The discussion is justified by a good thesis statement.
The point of the discussion should be indicated in your thesis. If you’re writing a paper about kinship networks and using your own family as an example, you could use one of these two thesis statements:
- My family consists of several generations.
Because it only expresses an observation, this is a poor thesis. Your readers will most probably stop studying if they are unable to comprehend the article’s point.
- While most American families see consanguineous marriage as a threat to their families,
This is an excellent thesis since it demonstrates how your observation contradicts a commonly held belief. Showing that the topic is contentious is a smart method for writing a powerful thesis. The balance of the article will pique readers’ curiosity as they see how you back up your claim.
6. Provide a reason to support your basic purpose.
Make a concise statement with your reason. Make sure you can back up your argument with reasonable information and statistics. One key notion is expressed in a compelling thesis statement.
Readers must be able to perceive that your paper is focused on a single topic. If your topic sentence conveys multiple ideas, your viewers may become confused regarding the topic of your paper.
As an example, Companies must take advantage of the Internet’s marketing potential, and Web pages may serve as both advertising and customer support.
Because the reader is unsure whether the article is about Internet marketing or Web pages, this is a weak thesis statement. The relationship between the two ideas needs to be clarified to revise the thesis.
One method to improve the thesis is to write: Because the Internet has enormous marketing potential, businesses should make use of it by creating Web pages that provide both advertising and customer service.
This is a powerful thesis since it establishes a link between the two concepts. Hint: terms like because, because, although, unless, and however appear in a lot of clear and compelling thesis statements.
7. A strong thesis statement is very specific.
A thesis statement should clearly state the topic of your paper and will assist you in keeping your paper to a manageable length. If you’re writing a seven- to ten-page paper about hunger, for example, you could write:
World hunger has various causes and effects.
For two fundamental reasons, this is a weak thesis statement. For starters, world hunger cannot be adequately addressed in seven to ten pages. Second, many of the causes and effects are ambiguous. Specific causes and effects should be able to be identified.
The following is an example of a revised thesis:
Because jobs are limited and farming in the poor soil is rarely successful, hunger prevails in Glandelinia. This topic sentence is helpful because it constricts the issue down to a more concentrated and accessible topic while also outlining the specific causes of hunger.
8. If applicable, include a counterpoint to your main claim.
A strong thesis statement recognizes that there is always a counter-argument. As a result, include a counterargument to your point of view. Write down what someone who opposes your viewpoint may say about your subject. Television, for example, can be informative.
The primary point of a research writing assignment, such as an expository essay or an argumentative essay, is expressed in a thesis statement, which is one phrase long. It claims while also immediately responding to a question.
As the thesis statement examples below show, you must be quite detailed, outlining ideas that will be stated in your work and backed up with detailed proof. In most cases, the last line of the first paragraph of your research paper or essay can serve as your synopsis.