How do you study when you don’t want to study?
When it comes to studying, a student’s favorite remark is “I don’t feel like studying.” And it really does happen. Students usually do not feel like studying unless they are under a great deal of strain due to looming deadlines. They continue to postpone studying till the next hour or the next day. I have seen someone say “I have an exam tomorrow and I don’t feel like studying”, as crazy as that may sound, it is very real and common among students who don’t want to learn how to study every day.
Students recognize that by the time the deadline incentive kicks in, it may be too late. They become panicked, begin studying rapidly, skip topics, and fail to understand anything correctly. There is no firm learning and the results are significantly harmed. All of your valuable time is squandered. So, how can you get out of this futile “Not feeling like it” moment?
What is the point of studying?
The greatest way to complete any activity is to remind oneself of its significance. Are you too lazy to exercise? Remind yourself of your fitness objectives. Do you dread going to work? Keep in mind the prospects for advancement and the compensation you require.
There are always compelling reasons to take up a significant task. Don’t feel like studying? Consider your upcoming examinations and the importance of education in your life. No matter what employment path you choose, studying and obtaining a strong education will always benefit you.
In society, an educated man is always appreciated. But that’s a lengthy argument. In the near term, you must study in order to achieve good grades, compete with other students, please your parents, and enhance your mental strength.
The more you learn, the better your brain will get. Students can also use studying to demonstrate their abilities.
How to study when you don’t feel like it
1. Keep Your Session Time to a Minimum
This is the most crucial. And there’s a reason behind that. It’s difficult to sit through a study session if you’re irritated or overloaded, especially if you only have two hours left. When you just have 15 minutes till your next break, though, the world appears to be a lot brighter.
If you don’t limit your session length, all of the other approaches will be much less effective. Oh, and if you’re still not convinced, researchers now believe that studying in short bursts is the most effective way to learn.
Limit your sessions to 30 minutes each, with a short break in between.
Give it a shot for a bit. Then tell me how much more efficient your research has gotten.
2. Self-motivation for studying
But what if, while acknowledging the significance of studying, you still “don’t feel like it”? It happens to even the most capable individuals. Even professionals who have dedicated their lives to developing discipline and strong work ethics have days when they lack inspiration.
To begin, you’ll need to re-energize your low motivation levels. To stay motivated, try new study methods and make things interesting. Before you begin studying, watch some motivational films. Do not be distracted by other suggested videos.
Start with a high level of energy thanks to the video’s incentive. Get into the swing of things when it comes to studying. Your study sessions will become longer once you reach focused study mode.
3. Create a system for studying.
Motivation is usually only there for a brief time. If it is not coupled with a firm vision, it will fade away over time. After watching an inspirational film, you won’t feel the same boost every day.
The video technique does not work. Just like any other external source of incentive. The idea is to create a system or routine that is driven by a sense of accountability and commitment.
The regimen is based on your goals, visions, and everyday routines. You won’t need the daily dosage of incentive after you’ve established a habit. Incorporate these practices into your daily routine.
4. Take walks or engage in some physical activity.
When you’re stressed about deadlines, assignments, or chapter completions, walking is an exhilarating sensation. Walking calms your mind and stimulates your imagination.
You can also engage in other physical activities such as going to the gym or participating in sports. We’re emphasizing walks because they don’t require any equipment. It is a low-intensity physical activity that causes little weariness.
It gives your brain a chance to relax and think. Your focus and concentration improve for a long time after physical activity.
5. One task at a time should be your focus.
This is a crucial habit to incorporate into your daily routine. On a typical day as a student, you will have multiple assignments to do. Early in the morning, patiently write them down one by one. Simply put, make a to-do list of things to learn.
6. Divide your study schedule into tasks.
Developing a routine based on these habits can help you become a more responsible and well-managed learner. Pick one task at a time during the day. Choose the duty you will complete at this time. You will devote your entire attention to this task.
7. Tidy up and get ready
It’s a big no-no to study in a strewn-about region. In such circumstances, you will feel clumsy. Clear your workspace and eliminate any distractions before you begin studying. Only keep the items required to complete the assignment.
You will have a sense of commitment and duty towards the future study session as you clean up the room for learning. To get more out of the study session, you’ll naturally put in more effort. Cleaning your study area is a crucial habit to establish.
8. Simply begin.
Do not hesitate to begin once you have tidied up your study environment and sat on the study point with your supplies. Simply begin working on your assignment or chapter. Begin with a sloppy, unorganized start. Any mental resistance or doubt must be overcome.
So, don’t sit around and wait for some brilliant thought to strike. Even before you begin studying, you will most likely become demotivated. Starting with a blemish is preferable to starting with a blank page.
9. Recognize and Accept Negative Emotions
You must accept your negative inner energies when they overpower you. They will loosen their grasp on you if you can do it. You won’t feel them as much, and they won’t be able to order you around. Regardless of your unpleasant feelings, you have the freedom to do whatever you choose. Accept them and move on.
10. Don’t Get Obsessed with the Figures
You’re in a bad mood because you’re in pain. This is not the time to assess yourself or your progress in learning a language. In this session, don’t put any pressure on yourself to improve. Simply finish it. That is your objective. Continue till your time is up.
11. Recognize and Appreciate Your Inner Child
Much of our irritability and grumbling stems from deep within us. We are not nearly as mature as we believe. So, how do you get a kid to do something he doesn’t want to do? You do the right thing and reward him.
Reward yourself for successfully completing your study session. The reward can be whatever you choose, such as watching your favorite show or eating a piece of chocolate.
11. Play around with it a little.
There are, of course, various methods for reducing study anxiety. You can explore a lot if you are a self-critical person. If not, you’ll need to be a little more methodical in your approach. It’s quite easy to stray from the path.
Video to watch when you can’t study
Having to complete all of that learning and catching up on books from prior weeks might be a chore at times. It might be difficult because studying can bring up a slew of questions that drive you to doubt yourself on a personal level. These ideas are subtle, yet they can cause unpleasant sentiments that make it difficult to stay motivated. So you might attempt most of the techniques suggested above to get that inspiration.