10 Best Websites That Answer Math Problems

How do you solve a math problem? Are you seeking how to be brilliant in math or an easy way to solve mathematics online?

No matter what could be said in praise of mathematics as one of the best subjects in school, it is pertinent to note that many students hated mathematics because they find it difficult to understand the principles of mathematics.

Not only do most students hate maths, but a lot of students also hate maths-related subjects but this does not contradict the fact that there are students who love mathematics and have won several maths awards in solving complex maths problems.

Today, most students sort to get easy ways to solve math problems often referred to as a shortcut, or spend a lot of time searching for websites that do math problems and show work.

However, in this post, I will make a list of websites that answer math problems online and show workings.

This post was triggered by several emails we have received from students asking us “what is the website that solves any math problem?” and “how do I solve a math problems on the internet?“.

To enable students to love and embrace math, I have included on the list, websites that have math word problem solvers, Google math solvers, algebra math calculators online, online statistics calculators, and lots more.

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The most intriguing thing here is that most of the websites on the list are capable of solving the math problem step by step with the solution. This means that these websites can tell you answers to math questions.


What is the best math website to solve math problems? If you have been searching for a free math help calculator or paid one, let’s quickly take a look at the best online math solvers on this list.

1. QuickMath

What is QuickMath? QuickMath is an online math solver tool that solves all kinds of math problems ranging from algebra equation solving to calculus and matrices just to mention but a few.

If you have ever tried getting math help online, you probably must have seen the Quickmath mathematics solver website.

When you think of how to solve an algebra problem, or simplify an expression, the contributions of QuickMath can never be overemphasized.

With QuickMath being a website that answers math problems, it does not require any math solver app download. You can carry out all your math problem-solving on the official QuickMath website.

However, there’s still a provision to download this math solver app if you want an app that solves math for you easily and fast.


2. WebMATH

WebMath is an online math solver website that is built to generate answers to specific questions and problems that the user enters under a given or selected category.

You can solve your math problems online simply by clicking on the tabs on the WebMATH website at the top such as; the K-8 math, General math, Algebra, plot, and geometry, etc or use the selection box below in selecting your math help type, and enter your questions to get it solved immediately.

3. Math10

This particular online math solver offers basic help in solving online fraction problems, metric conversions, power, and radical problems, finding the area of shapes such as; rectangles, triangles, and co.

Other math categories included on Math10.com, also fall between; pre-algebra solver, online Algebra solver, trigonometry, calculus, statistics solver, chemistry solver, quadratic equation solver, polynomial division, matrix, determinant, rank, inverse matrix, and even more.

Math10 also has a free math test section that includes math tests for first grade, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade maths tests. Before I forget, they also include fundamental math tests and intermediate math tests for candidates to try.

Math10 also has an online math help forum to allow people who’re seeking math help online to ask and get answers to their questions directly. This is most effective or useful to those who are searching for a math word problem solver step-by-step.

4. Symbolab

Symbolab just as the name implies is an online math solver tool that solves advanced mathematics on the internet today using symbols and scientific notations.

Symbol provides step-by-step solutions to; trigonometric and calculus problems, algebraic equations, simultaneous equations, inequality, integrals, derivatives, and many more math problem solvers.

Symbolab online problem solver uses machine learning algorithms to provide automated step-by-step math solutions.

It is true that symbolab is one of the best tools that come to the rescue of people who are searching for how to solve math equations online. But the brutal truth is that symbolab solves almost any kind of math problem but will require a premium user to see the step-by-step math problem-solving.

My list of websites that solve math problems will never be complete without mentioning Mathway on the list as one of the best online math help tools with a user-friendly interface and auto-suggestion as you type.

Mathway has a special math keyboard and includes a feature that allows you to upload an image of your math problem. You can also select from the menu the type of math help you’re looking for.

If you have got a big college maths or homework to do, try using mathway for that. Mathway can show step-by-step solutions only for premium users, whereas none premium users can solve math for free online.

6. Cymath

Cymath is an online calculator with work shown, over the years starting from 2013 when it was established, it has helped millions of users in solving math problems.

The Cymath math solver app is available on two major app platforms; Google Play store and the App Store. If you’re looking for a free math solver website then Cymath is for you. Most of the math problems solved come along with the step-by-step processes for free.

7. Chegg

Chegg online math solver is known for its ability to handle math problems very well, for instance, pre-algebra, algebra, pre-calculus, calculus, and linear algebra,

Chegg has a nice keyboard and can be able to detect a wrong math question. Hence your question is correct, you will get automated answers immediately without delay.

Chegg math solver is a free calculator tool, but you can upgrade it if you need extra features.

8. MathPapa

Learning math on your own is very possible, MathPapa equation solver is one of the best online math apps that will give you the enablement o learn math at your own pace.

MathPapa was created with the primary intention to help students learn algebra step by step.

However, this does not contradict the fact that you can use it in solving various math problems and can use any of their channels for that. The website math tool or the iOs or Android app math solver.

9. WolframAlpha

When we talk about basic and complex math solutions, we are probably talking about the WolframAlpha online calculator.

WolframAlpha is a deep computational tool to solve arithmetic, algebra, calculus, differential equations, or anything maths. IT also has a feature that displays the plot (graph) for your work, more features are unlocked in the premium version.

If you’re looking for where to get help with math homework, solve specific math problems or find information on mathematical topics and resources, then WolframAlpha is here to assist you effortlessly.

10. Google maths solver

We understand the impact Google has created on the internet to enhance learning and improve the academic standard of various academic institutions that’s why a lot of people sort to search for Google math solver as one of the most reliable online math calculator.

However, the Google calculator was built to solve math problems without heavy math syntax and can be easily seen when you type simple math equations on the Google search bar let’s say for example “2+4”.

BONUS: Math solver related video

How to solve an equation of the form ax=b. source: Khan Academy

Over to you

At this point, I’m well convinced I have been able to show you the list of websites that can solve any math problem you might have.

Everyone else including you have at least once searched for online math help, methods to learn math on your own, or even a website that answers math problems.

Glad enough, you’re able to see from this post a free way to get your word problem solver with a solution simply by asking a question in any of the listed math forums.

How difficult is your math homework, have you ever tried solving your maths problems online before?

Feel free to share your ideas with us and recommend any math solver tool online you know that does not require app download and installation. We would be more than glad to add your suggestion to the list.

Share with others who might be in dare need of websites that solve math problems.

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1 thought on “10 Best Websites That Answer Math Problems”

  1. Math is really a great subject to learn.
    There are many websites which you can use to learn about Maths, Tricks, Tips, Homework and many more.
    Really amazing written article.
    All the website are useful for learning and teaching math to students.

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